We've just introduced three new changes to our pricing at Heroku, all designed to provide extra value to our customers and make cost estimation easier. These changes will kick in from September 1, 2023 onward:

  1. Your account will no longer be charged the $10 monthly fee for Heroku CI.
  2. Your account will no longer be charged the $10 monthly fee for Heroku Teams with over five members.
  3. We've improved our pricing page to include hourly expenses alongside the maximum monthly costs.

Why is the Heroku pricing page changing? The Heroku team is simplifying pricing for clarity and a better customer experience.

What about Heroku Enterprise customers? Heroku CI has always been included, and...

Heroku Card Payments Are Back in India

news , Technical Program Manager

We re-enabled payments to Heroku in India! At the start of August, we resumed accepting credit and debit cards issued by Indian financial institutions.

From the engagement on our public roadmap, we know that there are many developers in India eager to get back on the platform. We want to address the work done to re-enable this functionality, and why Heroku stopped accepting payments from India in the first place.

We started by enabling 3D Secure (3DS) on our platform. 3D Secure is a protocol that prompts a user to use a dynamic authentication methods such as biometrics or token-based authentication to confirm their purchases.

Security Improvement: Subdomain Reuse Mitigation

news , Product Mgmt at Heroku


Subdomain reuse, also known as subdomain takeover, is a security vulnerability that occurs when an attacker claims and takes control of a target domain. Typically, this happens when an application is deprecated and an attacker directs residual traffic to a host that they control.

As of 14 June 2023, we changed the format of the built-in herokuapp.com domain for Heroku apps. This change improves the security of the platform by preventing subdomain reuse. The new format is <app-name>-<random-identifier>.herokuapp.com. Previously, the format was <app-name>.herokuapp.com. The new format for built-in herokuapp.com domains is on by default for all users.


Improving the Heroku Postgres Extension Experience

news , Lead Infrastructure Engineer

PostgreSQL extensions are powerful tools that allow developers to extend the functionality of PostgreSQL beyond its basic types and functions. These extensions can connect your database to an external PostgreSQL instance (postgres_fdw), add native GIS functionality (postgis), standardize address information (address_standardizer), and more. Extensions are arguably one of PostgreSQL’s greatest features and are partially responsible for the massive adoption PostgreSQL has received over the years.

We’re pleased to announce a change to the Heroku Postgres extension experience. You can once again install Heroku Postgres extensions in the public schema or any other!

Previously, in response to...

Introducing New Heroku Postgres Plans

news , Product Manager

Sometimes your data grows and requires a bigger disk without a need for more compute or memory. Previously, our offerings were a bit too inflexible. We also didn’t want to limit our largest database at 4TB.

We released new Heroku Postgres plans that give you more flexibility when scaling up your database storage needs on Heroku. We heard from our customers that they want to be able to upgrade disk space without adding other resources like vCPU or memory. In response, we created new L and XL plans with increased disk limits for premium , private , and shield tiers at the -6 and -9 levels.

These new plans continue to have the same compute, memory, and IOPS characteristics as other plans...

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