All posts tagged with service discovery

Internal Routing for Private Space Apps

news , Product Manager

Today we’re announcing a powerful new network control for apps running in Heroku Private Spaces: Internal Routing. Apps with Internal Routing work exactly the same as other Heroku apps, except the web process type is published to an endpoint that’s routable only within the Private Space and on VPC and VPN peered networks (see the Private Space VPN support companion post). Apps with Internal Routing are impossible to access directly from the public internet, improving security and simplifying management and compliance checks for web sites, APIs and services that must not be publicly accessible.

Today, we are excited to announce DNS Service Discovery for Heroku Private Spaces, an easy way to find and coordinate services for microservice-style deployments.

As applications grow in sophistication and scale, developers often organize their applications into small, purpose-built “microservices”. These microservice systems act in unison to achieve what otherwise would be handled by a single, larger monolithic application, which serves the benefit of simplifying applications’ codebases and improving their overall reliability.

DNS Service Discovery is a valuable component of a true microservices architecture. It is a simple, yet effective way to facilitate microservice-style application...

Scott Raio is Co-Founder and CTO of Combatant Gentlemen], a design-to-delivery menswear e-commerce brand.

What microservices are you running in Heroku Private Spaces?

We’ve written an individual service for every business use case. For example, we have services for order processing, product catalog, account management, authentication, swatch display, POs, logistics, payments, etc.

With all these different services, we chose Heroku Private Spaces as a way to make service discovery easier. We’re currently running about 25 services, which is a relatively small number compared to Netflix or Twitter (who employ hundreds of services). But we’re growing, and we’re always evaluating our...

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