Announcing the Dublin, Ireland Region for Heroku Private Spaces

news , Product Manager

We are excited to announce the Dublin region for Heroku Private Spaces is now generally available for Heroku Enterprise customers. Dublin joins the growing list of regions that Private Spaces supports: Sydney, Virginia, Oregon, Frankfurt, and Tokyo. With the Private Spaces Dublin region, organizations can build and deploy Heroku-style apps closer to their UK customers, reducing network latency and providing a better user experience.

Heroku Private Spaces, available as part of Heroku Enterprise, is a network isolated group of apps and data services with a dedicated runtime environment, provisioned by Heroku in a geographic region you specify. With Spaces you can build modern apps with the...

Today, we are excited to announce DNS Service Discovery for Heroku Private Spaces, an easy way to find and coordinate services for microservice-style deployments.

As applications grow in sophistication and scale, developers often organize their applications into small, purpose-built “microservices”. These microservice systems act in unison to achieve what otherwise would be handled by a single, larger monolithic application, which serves the benefit of simplifying applications’ codebases and improving their overall reliability.

DNS Service Discovery is a valuable component of a true microservices architecture. It is a simple, yet effective way to facilitate microservice-style application...

Announcing Free and Automated SSL Certs For All Paid Dynos

news , Product Manager

We are happy to announce the general availability of Automated Certificate Management (ACM) for all paid Heroku dynos. With ACM, the cumbersome and costly process of provisioning and managing SSL certificates is replaced with a simple experience that is free for all paid Dynos on Heroku’s Common Runtime. Creating secure web applications has never been more important, and with ACM and the Let’s Encrypt project, never easier.

ACM handles all aspects of SSL/TLS certificates for custom domains; you no longer have to purchase certificates, or worry about their expiration or renewal. ACM builds directly on our recent release of Heroku Free SSL to make encryption the default for web applications...

SSL Is Now Included on All Paid Dynos

news , Product Manager

Encrypted communication is now the norm for applications on the Internet. At Heroku, part of our mission is to spread encryption by making it easy for developers to setup and use SSL on every application. Today we take a big step forward in that mission by making Heroku SSL generally available, allowing you to easily add SSL encryption to your applications with nothing more than a valid SSL certificate and custom domain.

Heroku SSL is free for custom domains on Hobby dynos and above and relies on the SNI (“Server Name Indication”) extension which is now supported by the vast majority of browsers and client libraries. The current SSL endpoint will remain available for the increasingly rare...

Announcing Heroku Free SSL Beta and Flexible Dyno Hours

news , Product Manager

Editor's Note: SSL Is Now Included on All Paid Dynos as of September 22, 2016

At Heroku, we want to make it easy for everyone to be able to learn and explore our service, and the related ecosystem of technologies, for free - be it student, professional developer, hobbyist or just curious individual. We view this as both part of our mission and our business model; it has never been a more interesting - or important - time to be a developer, and we want to help everyone become one.

Today we are announcing two important updates to help bring us closer to that goal: a new and free SSL service and a more flexible way to use free dyno hours. Heroku SSL is being introduced as beta today, and...

Introducing Improved Performance Dynos

news , Product Manager

Last year, we launched the original Performance dyno, designed to support the largest apps running at-scale with more consistent service and faster response times. Today, with the goal of continuing to support our fast growing customers with more flexibility to choose the type of dynos best for their applications, we are excited to announce improvements to our performance dyno lineup:

  • Performance-L — an improved and more powerful version of the existing Performance dyno, renamed the Performance-L dyno
  • Performance-M — an entirely new dyno and smaller sibling to the Performance-L dyno

The Performance-L dyno now has 14GB of RAM, 133% more RAM than the previous version, answering a request...

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