All posts tagged with rails

Rails Hosting: Easy as Pie


Yesterday, DHH said:

“I’d love for Rails to be easy as pie to run in a shared hosting environment, though. I’d love for Rails to be easy as pie to run in any environment. In that ‘more people could have fun learning Rails and deploying their first hobby application’ kind of way.”

We humbly suggest that Heroku is one possible solution to the latter part of statement. Our vision for the long term is much grander than just a learning/hobby tool; but our beta product, as it stands today, can already fill this need quite nicely.

Goodbye Rails 1.2


Rails 1.2 is now officially deprecated for Heroku apps. Starting January 3 (that’s tomorrow), new features we are developing will not be available on apps still configured to use Rails 1.2. Then, on January 21, we will automatically upgrade any remaining 1.2 apps.

We know it’s only been a month since Rails 2 came out, so we hope this doesn’t come across as overly harsh. By taking this approach we can spend less time backporting, which means more time for new features. Since Heroku is still in early beta we feel that this is reasonable. Rest assured that when the next major Rails release comes around, we’ll be committed to supporting 2.0 for a much longer time...

Rails 2


Rails 2 is now the default for all newly created Heroku apps.

Existing apps will continue to run on 1.2 unless you edit config/environment.rb and change the version number manually. Importing an app will try to guess the Rails version from your environment.rb, but you should double-check after the import to make sure the version is set to what you wanted.

We’ll leave a 1.2 gem available for a while, but we’re going to take advantage of our beta status here and keep the time window on this relatively short – perhaps a month or two. (Don’t worry, by the time the next major Rails release goes around, we’ll have a plan for longer-term support of legacy versions...

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