All posts tagged with performance

Your app is slow. It does not spark joy. This post will use memory allocation profiling tools to discover performance hotspots, even when they're coming from inside a library. We will use this technique with a real-world application to identify a piece of optimizable code in Active Record that ultimately leads to a patch with a substantial impact on page speed.

In addition to the talk, I've gone back and written a full technical recap of each section to revisit it any time you want without going through the video.

I make heavy use of theatrics here, including a Japanese voiceover artist, animoji, and some edited clips of Marie Kondo's Netflix TV show. This recording was done...

I work on Heroku’s Runtime Infrastructure team, which focuses on most of the underlying compute and containerization here at Heroku. Over the years, we’ve tuned our infrastructure in a number of ways to improve performance of customer dynos and harden security.

We recently received a support ticket from a customer inquiring about poor performance in two system calls (more commonly referred to as syscalls) their application was making frequently: clock_gettime(3) and gettimeofday(2).

In this customer’s case, they were using a tool to do transaction tracing to monitor the performance of their application. This tool made many such system calls to measure how long different parts of their...

Container and Runtime Performance Improvements

news , Product Manager

Today we’re sharing three performance enhancements that we have recently rolled out to apps running in Private Spaces:

  • Dynos upgraded to the latest generation infrastructure for 10-15% perf improvement
  • More consistent performance for Small Private and Shield Space dynos
  • Optimized clock source selection

Heroku is a fully managed platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and we work tirelessly to continuously improve and enhance the experience of running apps on our platform. Unlike lower-level infrastructure-as-a-service systems, improvements are applied automatically to apps and databases and require no action or intervention from app developers to benefit.

That means that no action is required on...

Optimizing Database Performance in Rails

engineering , Developer Advocate

Setting up a database is a relatively straightforward process (Heroku has an add-on for that), but getting it to run well in production is sometimes another matter. As your application grows and your data grows along with it, you will likely find a number of performance bottlenecks specifically related to your database, and this post aims to help you diagnose and address those issues when they arise.

As with all components of your infrastructure it’s important to have early visibility into the performance characteristics of your database. Watching this data as your application grows will give you a much better chance of spotting performance issues and regressions as they’re introduced.


The following is the story of how Randall Degges created a simple API to solve the common problem of external IP address lookup and how he scaled it from zero to over 10 thousand requests per second (30B/month!) using Node.js and Go on Heroku.

Several years ago I created a free web service, ipify. It is a highly scalable IP address lookup service. When you make a GET request against it, it returns your public-facing IP address. Try it out yourself!

Gif of ipify GET request returning public facing IP address

I created ipify because, at the time, I was building complex infrastructure...

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