Heroku is gearing up for RailsConf 09 in Las Vegas, and just like last year, we’ve got a sweet line-up for y’all…
Kicking things off on Monday, Sinatra co-creator Blake Mizerany will be hosting an in-depth tutorial on the the micro-framework that’s sweeping the Ruby nation right now.
Continuing in a similarly minimalistic vein on Wednesday, Adam Wiggins will lend his considerable Rack-fu to a talk showcasing Rails Metal – the hot new feature in Rails 2.3 that lets you build Rack endpoints for selected URLs that bypass Routes and ActionController for a massive speed boost. Heck, he’ll even show you how to use Sinatra inside your existing Rails app!
Finally, we’ve put together a massively kick-ass panel about The Future of Deployment. At Heroku we’ve put an immense amount of research into building the ideal Ruby stack based on open-source standard components. This event will be a unique opportunity to discuss every part of it in detail. Joining key members of the Heroku team will be Marc-Andre Cournoyer, creator of Thin and Christian Neukirchen, creator of Rack. We can’t stress enough just how freakin’ excited we are to have these guys join us for what should be a highlight of the conference.
In addition to these talks, Heroku will be present in full force at RailsConf, and we’ll be announcing more details about that as the date grows closer. This is definitely the event in the Ruby community, and we hope to see you there. If you haven’t registered yet, hurry on over to the RailsConf website.