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Enterprise Social Apps

With over 80,000 applications on Heroku, we are frequently asked what type of apps people are building. While there’s a wide range, one of the areas I’ve been most excited about is social apps. We have thousands of social applications around Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms. The Social App Workshop last month was proof of the interest with a sold out crowd of over 150 people filling a basement on a great summer Saturday.

Social platforms are sweeping enterprises as well. From internal communities for collaboration to external communities with millions of users, enterprises are finding social software essential to how they work. Today we’re announcing a partnership with the leader in this space – Jive Software. Over 3,000 leading companies, including over 25% of the Fortune 100, use the Jive platform to engage their employees, customers and partners.

If you are interested in building social applications for the enterprise and reaching millions of employees, we have a great opportunity for you. For the first time, Jive is opening up their platform to 3rd party application developers. Their new Jive Apps Market will make it easy for customers using the Jive platform to purchase cloud-based social app software. You’ll be able to deploy your applications to Heroku, and have companies from around the world view, purchase, and use your app within Jive. Jive is leading the way in bringing cloud social business applications into the enterprise, and we’re honored to be part of it.

To help you get started, Jive is holding their first ever Jive Apps Developer Event on September 16th at the San Francisco InterContinental Hotel. This is a great opportunity to both evaluate the size of the Jive Apps opportunity by mingling with enterprise customers as well as get the technical details from Jive engineers.

Originally published: August 31, 2010

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