Samurai Duke and the Legend of OpenJDK

life , Software Architect

What is Duke? No one knows his species or genus. People say he’s a Java Bean or a Software Agent, but all we know for sure is that he reminds us of the more than twenty-year legacy of the Java language and its community. The Java community has such an affinity for Duke that designers have created surfing Duke, astronaut Duke, rockstar Duke, macramé Duke, and of course Heroku’s Samurai Duke.

Java DukeBut how can all of these Duke variants exist without violating copyright or trademark laws? After all, Duke represents the language at the middle of one of the fiercest copyright battles in the history of software. The answer, it turns out, can teach us a great deal about how to nurture an open source...

Pride Runs Deep

life , SVP & GM, Data Services


Pride is a word with many meanings. It can mean a job well done. It can mean satisfaction in who you are or what you stand for. For me, it is all of that and more. It is one of the values that runs deeply at Heroku and what keeps me here -- pride in the work we do, pride in how we do it, and most importantly, pride in our people. One of the most moving things I have seen this past month is this Heroku Pride wallpaper on peoples’ screens all around the office.

At this 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, and the conclusion of Pride month, on the day after the Pride parade here in San Francisco and in so many other places far and near, big and small, we asked for reflections from our...

There are many ways of deploying your applications to Heroku—so many, in fact, that we would like to offer some advice on which to choose. Each strategy provides different benefits based on your current deployment process, team size, and app. Choosing an optimal strategy can lead to faster deployments, increased automation, and improved developer productivity.

The question is: How do you know which method is the "best" method for your team? In this post, we'll present six of the most common ways to deploy apps to Heroku and how they fit into your deployment strategy. These strategies are not mutually exclusive, and you can combine several to create the best workflow for your...

Heroku Postgres via PrivateLink Is Now Generally Available

news , Product Management Director, Heroku Data

Today, we're thrilled to announce Heroku Postgres via PrivateLink, a new integration that enables customers to seamlessly and securely connect Heroku Postgres databases in Private Spaces to resources in one or more Amazon VPCs. Heroku Postgres via PrivateLink connections are secure and stable by default because traffic to and from Heroku Postgres stays on the Amazon private network; once a PrivateLink is set up, there is no brittle networking configuration to manage. As always, security and trust are top of mind with everything we do at Heroku.


The ability to configure Heroku Postgres via PrivateLink is already enabled on all private Postgres plans. It's also included at no...

On Making Work Less Remote: How the Heroku Team Works Together

life , User Interface / User Experience Lead

At a rough estimate over half the team at Heroku are remote workers, including myself. We are affectionately called Remokai. We hail from a dizzying number of countries, communicating through email, video calls, and instant messages, from cities, towns, beaches, and parks—a few weeks ago I had a meeting while cycling through central London. It's an incredible mix of people, from a diverse range of backgrounds, living and working in ways that would have been impossible only a short time ago.

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