Hoptoad (now Airbrake) is a great service by Thoughtbot for collecting exceptions. Like exception_notifier, but without clogging your inbox, and much prettier.
Using Hoptoad with Heroku is a cinch. First, sign up for a free Hoptoad account.
Now install their notifier plugin. If you’re working locally and deploying to Heroku with Git, install with script/plugin:
script/plugin install git://github.com/thoughtbot/hoptoad_notifier.git
Or if you’re using the Heroku web editor, open the vendor folder and click Gems & Plugins, then enter the plugin URL in the “Install from URL” box at the bottom.
Next, create a new file config/initializers/hoptoad.rb containing:
HoptoadNotifier.configure do |config| config.api_key = 'your_key_here' end
Paste in the API key provided for your account in place of your_key_here.
Last, add this line to your app/controllers/application.rb:
include HoptoadNotifier::Catcher
To test, create a page that throws an exception:
class CrashController < ApplicationController def index raise "boom" end end
If you’re in the web editor you can navigate straight to your app. If you’re working locally, commit and push to Heroku:
git add . git commit -m 'use hoptoad for exception notifications' git push
Now hit http://yourapp.heroku.com/crash to generate an exception. Flip over to your Hoptoad account, and you should see your CrashController exception in all its Hoptoad splendor!