All posts tagged with webhooks

Sunsetting Deploy Hooks

news , Software Engineer

Webhooks are a more secure, reliable, and powerful alternative to Deploy Hooks, and five years ago, we made app webhooks Generally Available. Today, we are deprecating Deploy Hooks and encouraging customers to migrate to app webhooks.

FY18 Q3 recap: New Private Spaces Dublin Region Support & Heroku Webhooks GA

ecosystem , Director of Product & Partnerships

Need to quickly catch up on this past quarter's announcements? Here are the top three topics to tune in on:

Heroku has expanded regions availability for Private Spaces and introduced the general availability of the Dublin region on September 26, 2017. Heroku users are able to run apps in all of the following Private Spaces regions: Virginia, Oregon, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Sydney, and Dublin. Please verify that your add-on's manifest accurately reflect the supported Privates Spaces regions.

Heroku app webhooks for customers and add-on webhooks for partners are generally available. Partners are able to track many kinds of events relating to add-on resources on apps, domains, builds,...

We're happy to announce that Heroku app webhooks is now generally available for all Heroku customers.

App webhooks provide notifications when your Heroku app changes, including modifications to domain settings, releases, add-ons, and dyno formations. These notifications can empower your internal communications, dashboards, bots or anything else that can receive HTTP POST requests. Integrating with Heroku webhooks provides easy support for driving custom workflows and 3rd party tools.

Creating webhooks

With the webhooks CLI plugin, you can subscribe to events with a single command.

heroku plugins:install heroku-webhooks heroku webhooks:add -i api:release -l notify -u...

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