All posts tagged with postgres

Dataclips Power Insights at Heroku

engineering , Product Manager

Every organization needs to be data-driven in order to be successful. Whether you're tracking an application's performance, incoming support tickets, or revenue rates, different components of any company depend on metrics that inform the health of the business.

At Heroku, we're hackers to the core, but that doesn't mean we're all programmers. We build on top of our own platform for everything we do, and one of the products we often use is Heroku Dataclips. If you haven't heard of them before, Heroku Dataclips allow you to create SQL queries in a web GUI that run on your Heroku Postgres database. The unique dataclip URL can then be shared internally or externally,...

Heroku Postgres via PrivateLink Is Now Generally Available

news , Product Management Director, Heroku Data

Today, we're thrilled to announce Heroku Postgres via PrivateLink, a new integration that enables customers to seamlessly and securely connect Heroku Postgres databases in Private Spaces to resources in one or more Amazon VPCs. Heroku Postgres via PrivateLink connections are secure and stable by default because traffic to and from Heroku Postgres stays on the Amazon private network; once a PrivateLink is set up, there is no brittle networking configuration to manage. As always, security and trust are top of mind with everything we do at Heroku.


The ability to configure Heroku Postgres via PrivateLink is already enabled on all private Postgres plans. It's also included at no...

A Dialog with Your Data Using the New Dataclips

news , Product Manager

The data we store holds value, but refining data into meaning remains a difficult task. Over the last few months, we've taken a step back to figure out what we can do to help our users cross that divide, and rebuilt Heroku Dataclips from scratch with that goal in mind. The result is an experience that makes accessing and working with your data easier than ever, enabling anyone on your team familiar with SQL to take advantage of your most valuable asset without the need for specialized tools or knowledge of the database.

Dataclips is a flexible, lightweight way to query your data in Heroku Postgres and share the results. At Heroku, we use them regularly across all of our departments....

Bug Bounties and Black Swans: How Heroku Expects the Unexpectable

engineering , Director - Platform Security

There’s obviously more to security than humans, technology, and vendors with all of their implementations and expertise. At Heroku we believe that security is a byproduct of excellence in engineering.

All too often, software is written solely with the happy path in mind, and security assurances of that software has its own dangerous assumptions. A mature security program should challenge assumptions of security controls, move to testing continuously, and prepare for the unexpectable.

This means asking hard questions about the bigger picture. Think bigger than the development lifecycle, backing away from the fixations of confirming effective corrections and remediations. This means taking...

PostgreSQL 11 Generally Available on Heroku

news , Product Manager

After a successful two-month Beta period, PostgreSQL 11 is now the default version for all new provisioned Heroku Postgres databases. All Postgres extensions, tooling, and integration with the Heroku developer experience are ready to use, giving you the power of PostgreSQL 11 with the ease and usability of Heroku for building data-centric applications.

We'd like to re-emphasize a few features - among the many released in Postgres 11 - that we are particularly excited about.

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