All posts tagged with newfeatures

Since launching Ruby support in 2007, we’ve been constantly expanding the platform to accommodate more application types and to make the platform more accessible to a broader audience of developers.

We are very pleased today to announce full support for applications written in the Logo programming language.

Going back to our roots with an in-browser editor, we believe that interactive programming and getting started quickly lend well to learning. Ruby is an excellent language for learning, and Logo is even better.

Logo is a fully-featured and beautifully designed functional Lisp-style programming language. It shares many properties with (and is an ancestor of, via Smalltalk) Ruby,...

Background Jobs with DJ on Heroku


Our goal for the Heroku platform has been to create a totally smooth and seamless experience for getting your Ruby web application online. Web apps revolve around one or more dynamic web processes: what Rubyists often call a mongrel, and what we call a dyno. When it comes to dynos, we think we’ve really nailed it, and nothing makes that more tangible than the ease of scaling your app with the dyno slider.

But most serious web apps have a second aspect: one that gets less attention, but one that is often just as important as the web process. Like the dark side of the moon, this second half of your application is not directly visible to users, but without it the app would not be...

Add-on: Wildcard Domains


Since we returned from a fun and successful Railsconf in Vegas, we have been in full swing completing the rollout of our paid services. The response has been enormous so far, and paid services are now available to all users.

If you’ve checked out the pricing page, you’ve undoubtedly noticed our line-up of a la carte add-ons. We’re really excited about add-ons becoming a key part of our platform, allowing us to seamlessly deliver popular application services and components with the built-in scalability and ease of use you’ve come to expect from Heroku.

We’ve had a solid first batch of add-ons in beta for a while, and today we’re happy to announce the...

Say you’re working on a Rails app, and you want to publish your code on Github. Most apps have some deploy-specific private config values – for example, if you’re using the S3 storage back-end for Paperclip, and your S3 keys are saved in config/amazon_keys.yml. You certainly don’t want to push those up to Github – what to do?

You could maintain a separate deploy branch, and commit your deploy config only to that. You can then work on the main branch, and rebase the deploy branch whenever you go for a deploy. That’s a bit of extra work you could do without, though – and you know sooner or later, you’re going to accidentally push the wrong...

Heroku API Update


The Heroku API gets a major update today; you can now view and manage all of your application’s settings straight from the command line. New in this version:

  • Manage sharing (add/remove/list collaborators)
  • Manage multiple ssh keys for your user (add/remove/list keys)
  • Update settings (public true/false, mode production/development)
  • Rename an app
  • Run rake tasks remotely

A taste of the new command-line goodness:

adam@kvasir:~$ heroku create gagetron Created |
adam@kvasir:~$ heroku info gagetron === gagetron Web URL: Git Repo: Mode: development Public: false Collaborators:...

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