All posts tagged with monitoring

Heroku Eventing: A Router for All Your Events

news , Product Marketing Senior Lead

Managing event-driven architecture can be challenging. For many organizations, this includes a diverse set of eventing services and buses, often across multiple organizations. Developers must manage authentication and pub/sub services across teams and applications.

We’re thrilled to introduce Heroku Eventing, a powerful tool designed to help teams manage events more efficiently and securely. This new feature simplifies the process of integrating and monitoring events from various sources, ensuring a seamless and secure experience.

If your cloud application performs poorly or is unreliable, users will walk away, and your enterprise will suffer. To know what’s going on inside of your million-concurrent-user application (Don’t worry, you’ll get there!), you need observability. Observability gives you the insights you need to understand how your application behaves. As your application and architecture scale up, effective observability becomes increasingly indispensable.

Heroku gives you more than just a flexible and developer-friendly platform to run your cloud applications. You also get access to a suite of built-in observability features. Heroku's core application metrics, alerts, and language-specific runtime...

Fun fact: the Heroku API consumes more endpoints than it serves. Our availability is heavily dependent on the availability of the services we interact with, which is the textbook definition of when to apply the circuit breaker pattern.

And so we did:

API web queue, p95 latencies

Circuit breakers really helped us keep the service stable despite third-party interruptions, as this graph of p95 HTTP queue latency shows.

Here I'll cover the benefits, challenges and lessons learned by introducing this pattern to a large scale production app.

A brief reminder that everything fails

Our API composes over 20 services – some public (S3, Twilio), some internal (run a process, map DNS record to an app) and some provided...

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