All posts tagged with integration

Introducing the Heroku Postgres Connector for Salesforce Data Cloud

news , Director of Product Management

Heroku Postgres is one of the world's largest managed data stores. Our customers rely on Heroku Postgres to store valuable data, which powers a range of experiences and services they build on Heroku. Salesforce Data Cloud integrates all your company's data into the Einstein 1 Platform, creating a comprehensive customer view for personalized engagements, analytics, and AI.

When businesses bring data from Heroku Postgres into Salesforce Data Cloud to create unified customer profiles, they can deliver highly personalized user experiences and give them a competitive advantage.

Today, we‘re excited to announce the launch of the Heroku Postgres Connector, now part of the Salesforce...

Heroku Streaming Data Connectors Are Now Generally Available

news , Product Management Director, Heroku Data

This summer, we announced the beta release of our new streaming data connectors between Heroku Postgres and Apache Kafka on Heroku. These connectors make Change Data Capture (CDC) possible on Heroku with minimal effort. Anyone with a Private or Shield Space, as well as a Postgres and an Apache Kafka add-on in that space, can use Streaming Data Connectors today at no additional charge.

Customers use connectors to build streaming data pipelines between Salesforce and external stores like a Snowflake data lake or an AWS Kinesis queue for integration with other data sources. They also refactor monoliths into microservices, implement an event-based architecture, archive data in lower-cost...

Today we are announcing a beta release of our new streaming data connector between Heroku Postgres and Apache Kafka on Heroku. Heroku runs millions of Postgres services and tens of thousands of Apache Kafka services, and we increasingly see developers choosing to start with Apache Kafka as the foundation of their data architecture. But for those who are Postgres-first, it is challenging to adopt without a full app rewrite. Developers want a seamless integration between the two services, and we are delivering it today, at no additional charge, for Heroku Private Spaces and Shield Spaces customers.

Heroku streaming data connectors

Moving beyond Postgres and Kafka, the Heroku Data team sees the use cases for data growing...

Updated Async Provisioning of Add-ons

ecosystem , Director of Product & Partnerships

Asynchronous provisioning allows add-ons to perform out-of-band provisioning in a first-class way. It’s intended for add-on services that need extended time to set up and help make automated app setup and orchestration easier and less error-prone.

The customer will be billed as soon as the add-on starts provisioning. This means the time and cost of provisioning your service is accounted for in how much a customer pays. As such, you should make every effort to provision expediently so customers get value from your service as quickly as possible.

Add-ons that take longer than 12 hours to provision (or those your service fails to mark as “provisioned” via the API in that time period) will be...

FY18 Q4 recap: Platform API for Partners & New Partner Portal GA

ecosystem , Director of Product & Partnerships

Need to quickly catch up on this past quarter's announcements? Here are the top three topics to tune in on:

The Platform API for Partners provides many official endpoints that allow you to introspect security settings, discover other customer instances of the same add-on, and much more. With the Platform API, add-ons have an OAuth client secret and a number of OAuth authorizations, one token per provisioned add-on; it is only used to authenticate requests to create the scoped tokens and not used to authenticate other requests to the Platform API.

Updated password requirements for the add-on manifest go into effect as of December 15, 2017. Add-on manifest password values are required...

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