All posts tagged with dynos

Improved Heroku App Performance with HTTP/2

news , Product Manager

HTTP2 Illustration_PREFINAL (2)


We’re excited to announce public beta support for HTTP/2 on both Heroku Common Runtime and Private Spaces. HTTP/2 support is one of the most requested and desired improvements for the Heroku platform. HTTP/2 is significantly faster than HTTP 1.1 by introducing features like multiplexing and header compression to reduce latency and therefore improve the end-user experience of Heroku apps.

Since 2023, we’ve been working on a large platform modernization of our Common Runtime router. This project will allow us to start delivering more modern networking for Heroku. With the majority of that work now complete, we’re excited to focus more on the future and new features.



Heroku is excited to introduce nine new dyno types to our fleets and product offerings. In 2014, we introduced Performance-tier dynos, giving our customers fully dedicated resources to run their most compute-intensive workloads. Now in 2024, today's standards are rapidly increasing as complex applications and growing data volumes consume more memory and carry heavier CPU loads.

With these additional dyno types, we’re excited to enable new use cases on Heroku with enhanced compute and memory specifications. Some use case examples include real-time processing against big data/real-time analytics, large in-memory cache applications such as Apache Spark or Hadoop...

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In May 2023, we announced our limited release of two new Heroku Private Spaces regions: India (Mumbai) and Canada (Montreal). This month, we’re announcing the full general availability of those two regions, along with new Heroku Private Spaces regions for the United Kingdom (London) and Singapore. This expansion enables customers to maintain greater control over where their data is stored and processed. These four new regions fully support Heroku Private Spaces, Heroku Shield Private Spaces, Heroku Postgres, Apache Kafka on Heroku, Heroku Data for Redis, Heroku Connect, and most Heroku Add-ons.

Private Spaces provide a dedicated virtual network environment for running Heroku...

Heroku is excited to announce the addition of a third availability zone (AZ) for our Private Spaces product offering. Three availability zones make Private Space apps more resilient to outages. We’ve prioritized this improvement as part of our focus on mission-critical features to make the Heroku Platform even more reliable. The changeover to three availability zones is fully managed by Heroku. Heroku handles all maintenance, upgrades, and management of Private Spaces, so our customers can focus on delivering value to their users without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.


What are availability zones and how does Heroku use them?

All AWS regions have multiple availability...

Introducing Improved Performance Dynos

news , Product Manager

Last year, we launched the original Performance dyno, designed to support the largest apps running at-scale with more consistent service and faster response times. Today, with the goal of continuing to support our fast growing customers with more flexibility to choose the type of dynos best for their applications, we are excited to announce improvements to our performance dyno lineup:

  • Performance-L — an improved and more powerful version of the existing Performance dyno, renamed the Performance-L dyno
  • Performance-M — an entirely new dyno and smaller sibling to the Performance-L dyno

The Performance-L dyno now has 14GB of RAM, 133% more RAM than the previous version, answering a request...

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