All posts tagged with continuous integration

Improved Browser Testing on Heroku with Chrome

engineering , Software Engineering Architect

For developers and businesses offering a web-based product, automated browser testing is a critical tool to ensure continuous delivery of a reliable service. Developers write browser tests by scripting actions against a real browser, simulating real usage by navigating, selecting, and making assertions about web pages and their document elements.

In this post, we introduce a new community buildpack that helps with automated browser testing. The new buildpack resolves installation reliability problems in the existing Chrome browser buildpacks for Heroku apps.

Heroku Postgres Update: Configuration, Credentials, and CI

news , Director, Product

At the core of Heroku’s data services sits Postgres, and today, we are making it even easier to bend Heroku Postgres to the very unique needs of your application’s stack. With these new features, you can easily customize Postgres, making it more powerful and configurable, while retaining all the automation and management capabilities of Heroku Postgres you know and love. By changing Postgres settings, creating and working with database credentials, and providing tight integrations to Heroku and Heroku CI, you now have the ability to further tune your Postgres database to your team’s needs.

FY18 Q2 recap: Heroku Continuous Integration GA & Ephemeral Apps

ecosystem , Director of Product & Partnerships

Need to quickly catch up on this past quarter's announcements? Here are the top three topics to tune in on:

Heroku announced the general availability of continuous integration (CI) on May 18, 2017. This new feature creates copies of staging apps to run tests, then destroys the app and its add-ons. With Heroku CI, you will see an increase in the number of default ephemeral plan resources regularly provisioned on Heroku review and CI apps. Previously, these apps used the add-on plan configured for staging.

As developers adopt CI/CD workflows, temporary deployments are becoming increasingly common. When ephemeral apps and their associated add-ons are destroyed, these actions should not...

Today we are proud to announce that Heroku CI, a low-configuration test runner for unit and browser testing that is tightly integrated with Heroku Pipelines, is now in General Availability.


To build software with optimal feature release speed and quality, continuous integration (CI) is a popular and best practice, and is an essential part of a complete continuous delivery (CD) practice. As we have done for builds, deployments, and CD, Heroku CI dramatically improves the ease, experience, and function of CI. Now your energy can go into your apps, not your process.

With today's addition of Heroku CI, Heroku now offers a complete CI/CD solution for developers in all of our officially...

On Building Tools for Developers: Heroku CI

news , Product Management

How we built Heroku CI: our product intuition checked against what the market wants (we surveyed ~1000 developers to figure out the latter, and the results were surprising)

Two approaches to building any product are often in tension: designing from inspiration, and designing from information. On the pure inspiration side, you just build the product you dream of, and trust that it will be so awesome and useful, that it will succeed in the market. On the pure information side, you build exactly what the market is asking for, as best you can tell (think: surveys, top customer feature requests, consultants, customer panels).

Our initial design for Heroku CI (currently in public beta) was...

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