All posts tagged with collaboration

Electric’s Advice During Uncertain Times: Invest in Your Culture

life , Account Executive, Platform

Some say that the only constant in life is change. That may be true, but often what’s more important than the change itself is how we react. We all go through life trying to manage change (albeit with varying degrees of success), so we can better cope with it, learn from it, and adapt. Like individuals, organizations can learn the same “life skill,” so that change is not only less disruptive, but it also becomes a measure of organizational health that can lead to success.

Sometimes, it takes a pandemic

Times of sudden change, like during the COVID-19 crisis, are especially tough on everyone. Most companies are scrambling to figure out their “new normal;” employees and teams are...

Faster application delivery with remote teams is the key to connect with your customers, now more than ever. A few years ago, we released Review Apps with the goal of improving the application development process and team collaboration. Today, we are excited to announce the release of an improved version of Review Apps to general availability.

The new version of Review Apps provides easier access management with a new permission system, and more flexibility for complex workflows with public APIs. It also no longer needs a staging, production, or placeholder app to host its configuration and collaborator access; this independence supports easier, more flexible application development.


Today we are thrilled to announce the general availability (GA) release of Heroku Enterprise Accounts. All Enterprise Teams associated with a company are nested under an Enterprise Account which delivers a higher level of visibility and accountability. With an Enterprise Account, executives and admins can ensure trust and improved agility with simple fast management of teams, users and expenses, so application development teams can stay focused on the development process.

With applications sitting at the core of almost all businesses, collaborative environments that make it possible for users to efficiently work together without security concerns are essential to the success of any...

A Dialog with Your Data Using the New Dataclips

news , Product Manager

The data we store holds value, but refining data into meaning remains a difficult task. Over the last few months, we've taken a step back to figure out what we can do to help our users cross that divide, and rebuilt Heroku Dataclips from scratch with that goal in mind. The result is an experience that makes accessing and working with your data easier than ever, enabling anyone on your team familiar with SQL to take advantage of your most valuable asset without the need for specialized tools or knowledge of the database.

Dataclips is a flexible, lightweight way to query your data in Heroku Postgres and share the results. At Heroku, we use them regularly across all of our departments....

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