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Heroku Cloud Native Buildpacks: Bringing Heroku Magic to Container Images

At Heroku, we believe the best choices are the ones you don't have to make. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the preview release of Heroku Cloud Native Buildpacks. Our Cloud Native Buildpack (CNB) offering brings the beloved Heroku language and framework experience to your local machine and beyond. Whether you're coding in Ruby, Node.js, Python, PHP, Go, Java, or Scala, Heroku’s set of opinionated CNBs streamline the process of building and managing containerized applications as OCI-compliant images. Developed and maintained by our language experts, these buildpacks ensure a native experience for each supported language ecosystem and frees you up to focus on what matters: building great features.

Buildpacks for Heroku and Beyond

Deploying an app to Heroku is as simple as running git push heroku main. Behind the scenes, buildpacks take care of the dependencies, caching, and compilation for any language your app uses. By open sourcing our buildpacks and the Buildpack API, Heroku lets you customize your build process. Extensibility remains a core principle on Heroku, whether that’s changing a single line in the buildpack or supporting an entirely new language.

Our vision for buildpacks has always extended beyond Heroku. We strive to create a standard that minimizes lock-in, maximizes transparency, and enables developers to share application building practices.

Today, OCI images are the new cloud executables. In a joint effort with Pivotal, we invented Cloud Native Buildpacks as a standardized way to build container images directly from source code, without needing Dockerfiles. We built these CNBs on years of experience with our existing buildpacks and running them at scale in production. CNBs offer a new level of portability while also making containers more accessible to developers.

Buildpacks Logo_Blog Image

Get Started with Heroku Cloud Native Buildpacks

Building container images with Heroku Cloud Native Buildpacks is simple. All you need is a container runtime like Docker and the pack CLI. With these tools, you can transform any source code into a portable OCI image using Heroku CNBs.

Let’s see these CNBs in action with our existing Node.js Getting Started Guide, which intentionally omits a Dockerfile:

$ git clone https://github.com/heroku/node-js-getting-started
$ cd node-js-getting-started
$ pack build my-node-app --builder heroku/builder:22
22: Pulling from heroku/builder
Image with name "my-node-app" not found
3 of 5 buildpacks participating
heroku/nodejs-engine 2.6.6
heroku/nodejs-npm-install 2.6.6
heroku/procfile 3.0.0
[Discovering process types]
Procfile declares types -> web
Setting default process type 'web'
Saving my-node-app...
*** Images (97b42d93c354):
Adding cache layer 'heroku/nodejs-engine:dist'
Adding cache layer 'heroku/nodejs-npm-install:npm_cache'
Successfully built image my-node-app

This command builds a fully OCI-compliant container image named my-node-app. You can push it to any OCI registry, use it as a base image in a Dockerfile, or run it locally as a container.

To run our sample express Node.js application locally on port 9292, we can use a basic docker run command:

$ docker run --env PORT=9292 -p 9292:9292 my-node-app

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The Heroku Cloud Native Buildpacks preview release is just the tip of the iceberg. We're so excited for you to try them even though our platform won’t officially support them until later this year. Get ahead of the curve and experiment with Heroku CNBs today. We're eager to hear your thoughts and see what you create with them. Head over to the project on GitHub and join us in shaping the future of application packaging!

Originally published: March 19, 2024

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