Building with Web Components

engineering , Front-end Engineer

In the early years of web development, there were three standard fundamentals upon which every website was built: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As time passed, web developers became more proficient in their construction of fancy UI/UX widgets for websites. With the need for newer ways of crafting a site coming in conflict with the relatively slow adoption of newer standards, more and more developers began to build their own libraries to abstract away some of the technical details. The web ceased being a standard: now your website could be a React site, or an Angular site, or a Vue site, or any number of other web framework that are not interoperable with each other.

Web components seek to...

Bringing Mindfulness to Work

life , Director of Engineering

Meditation, like the foundations of software, is built on top of a binary state: an inhale and an exhale, a breath in and a breath out, a one and a zero. We often believe that to engage in meditation, we need to place ourselves in a room of absolute silence, to dress in comfortable linens, and to be utterly still and alone. But this image could not be further from the truth! To meditate is to foster mindfulness, and presence is an activity that can be performed anywhere, and with others—even at work.

Learning how to be mindful amongst others

The Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute—or SIYLI—is a globally recognized nonprofit that works towards making the development of leadership...

Join us for a Live Q&A Chat with Salesforce Product Managers

news , SVP of PM, Salesforce Platform

Wade Wegner is SVP of Product for Salesforce Platform.

On a recent and all-too-short trip to London, I was humbled to have developers in the community spend time with me and other product managers at the UK Salesforce Tower. Building on the massively popular open dialogue with developers that we initiated at Dreamforce last year, our discussion was a transparent conversation with developers who have been building on the Salesforce platform.

I was incredibly inspired by the developers local to the London office who spent time after their work day to engage in meaningful conversation about what they wanted to see for the future of the platform, as well as answer questions about tooling and...

Using Research Grants to Foster Innovation

life , Software Architect

As CEO of Disney, Michael Eisner had a policy that any employee could come to his office and pitch an idea. He believed that breaking down hierarchical barriers allowed innovative ideas to come from anywhere, and it worked. Disney invested in many of those pitches, some of which became the kernels for films like The Little Mermaid and Pocahontas. Research grants engineer

At Heroku, we know our employees are full of innovative ideas waiting for investment. That’s why any engineer can propose a project through a process we call Research Grants. If the proposal is funded, that engineer gets about two weeks to experiment with their idea and create a work product that can lead to innovative new technologies or even...

PostgreSQL 12 Generally Available on Heroku

news , Product Management Director, Heroku Data

After a successful evaluation period, PostgreSQL 12 is now the default version for new Heroku Postgres databases and an available upgrade for existing databases.

I want to emphasize a few key changes and improvements in Postgres 12:

Native Table Partitioning Concurrent Operations

Native Partitioning was introduced in PostgreSQL 10 and performance improvements for improved parallel processing were added in PostgreSQL 11. Updating tables, altering partitions blocking queries, and executing concurrent operations for Native Partitioning were all improved in PostgreSQL 12. New features include allowing tables to modify partitions without blocking queries, allowing foreign keys to reference...

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