All posts tagged with release

Ruby 2.7.0 Holiday Release

news , Ruby Engineer

When Heroku launched in 2007 there was only a single Ruby version that could be used on the platform. In 2012 Heroku began to support multiple Ruby versions. Since then, we've had a holiday tradition of releasing the new versions of Ruby on the same day they come out, which always happens on Christmas day (December 25th).

If you're new to the community, you might be curious about where releasing a new minor version on Christmas comes from. To help answer that question, we interviewed Matz's, who works as the Chief Ruby Architect at Heroku in 2015. In his own words:

Ruby was originally my pet project, my side project. So releases usually happened during my holiday time. Now,...

Developers want to spend less time setting up applications so they can start working with the code sooner. Setting up applications is error-prone, time-consuming, and interruptive to the development flow. Often, there are several steps to go from your code to a running application that you can continue to work on. Enter the app.json application manifest, which allows developers to automate complex set-up processes and deploy to Heroku faster.

The Heroku app.json manifest enables developers to define their applications' details, setup configurations and runtime environments in a structured way. Instead of providing step-by-step instructions, you can add an app.json application manifest...

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