All posts tagged with platform api

When API requests are made one-after-the-other they'll quickly hit rate limits and when that happens:

That tweet spawned a discussion that generated a quest to add rate throttling logic to the platform-api gem that Heroku maintains for talking to its API in Ruby.

If the term "rate throttling" is new to you, read Rate limiting, rate throttling, and how they work together

The Heroku API uses Genetic Cell Rate Algorithm (GCRA) as described by...

We're happy to announce that Heroku app webhooks is now generally available for all Heroku customers.

App webhooks provide notifications when your Heroku app changes, including modifications to domain settings, releases, add-ons, and dyno formations. These notifications can empower your internal communications, dashboards, bots or anything else that can receive HTTP POST requests. Integrating with Heroku webhooks provides easy support for driving custom workflows and 3rd party tools.

Creating webhooks

With the webhooks CLI plugin, you can subscribe to events with a single command.

heroku plugins:install heroku-webhooks heroku webhooks:add -i api:release -l notify -u...

Developers want to spend less time setting up applications and start working with the code sooner. Setting up applications is error-prone, time consuming and interruptive to the development flow. Often, there are several steps to go from your code or other samples and templates that you find in repositories online, to a running application that you can continue to work on.

Today, we are excited to introduce the app.json manifest. app.json enables developers to define their applications' details, setup configurations and runtime environments in a structured way. Instead of providing step-by-step instructions, you can now add app.json files to your applications' source code. You...

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