All posts tagged with node

How Emarsys Approaches Service Sizing on Heroku

news , Director, Developer Advocacy

Based in Budapest, Hungary, Andras Fincza (Head of Engineering) and Rafael Ördög (Technical Lead) work for Emarsys, a global marketing automation platform. Read our Emarsys customer story to learn more about their migration experience on Heroku.

How did you introduce microservices at Emarsys?

We take an evolutionary approach to our architecture. Our marketing automation platform was originally designed as a monolithic system built in PHP and MySQL and running on in-house infrastructure. We were running two major services on our in-house infrastructure: one for HDS (historical data service) and the other for smart insights and analysis. However, it was hard to grow the platform...

Tom Dale with Terence Lee and Matt Creager

Last week, Terence Lee and I caught up with Tom Dale at EmberConf to talk about FastBoot, when you should avoid native apps, and why JavaScript on the server and the browser might start to converge. Check the end for the full recording!

So let's start with the drama, would you say Ember has declared war on native apps? [laughs]

[sigh] Yeah. Yeah, I think that's fair. Yeah. Sure. Why not? Let's go with that.

A lot of other frameworks, take this approach of bringing web technologies and dropping them into native experiences - React Native being the prime example. It seems that Ember wants to bring back the glory days for web technologies - is that right?

Yeah, absolutely. I...


Whether they're publishing notifications, responding to /slash commands or carrying a conversation, bots have become an integral part of the way we work with Slack. A bot can do any number of things for your team as part of your day-to-day work, you're only limited by your imagination. For some first-hand experience, check out the Heroku Button Gallery, where users have created all types of bots: from fun bots like poker and Jeopardy!, to more practical ones like a bot that tracks the satisfaction of your team members or one that reminds your team to review existing pull requests.

That said, the real power and fun of Slack bots comes once you know how to build your own. In this...

At the tail end of 2015, JavaScript developers have a glut of tools at our disposal. The last time we looked into this, the modern JS landscape was just emerging. Today, it's easy to get lost in our huge ecosystem, so successful teams follow guidelines to make the most of their time and keep their projects healthy.

Here are ten habits for happy Node.js hackers as we enter 2016. They're specifically for app developers, rather than module authors, since those groups have different goals and constraints:

1. Start every new project with npm init

Npm's init command will scaffold out a valid package.json for your project, inferring common properties from the working directory.


[Heroku Connect] [heroku_connect] is written primarily in Python using Django. It's an add-on and a platform app, meaning it's built on the Heroku platform. Part of our interface provides users with a realtime dashboard, so we decided to take advantage of and node.js for websocket communication. But like all Heroku apps, only one type of dyno can serve traffic. This left us with two choices: manage 2 apps, each with its own repo, and carefully consider when and how we deployed them, or find a way to serve both node and Django traffic from the same app.

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