All posts tagged with monorepo

Building a Monorepo with Yarn Workspaces

engineering , Node.js Language Owner

Yarn is a JavaScript package manager that also gives developers a project management toolset and a zero-install deployment solution. Heroku supports Yarn 2, 3, and 4, so developers are able to take advantage of zero-installs during their Node.js builds. We’ll go over a popular use case for Yarn that was enhanced by Yarn 2 and later releases: using workspaces to manage dependencies for a monolithic repository, also known as a multi-package repository or a monorepo.

Ball of yarn and knitting needles illustration

Our Yarn Workspaces tutorial will cover Yarn monorepo setup and how to take advantage of Yarn’s cache to manage monorepo dependencies. Prerequisites for this include a development environment with Node installed. To follow...

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