All posts tagged with incident

[Update: May 25, 2022 - GitHub integration is now re-enabled. You can connect to GitHub immediately or wait for the enhanced integration as described below. To re-establish your GitHub connection now, please follow these instructions.]

We know you are waiting for us to re-enable our integration with GitHub, and we've committed to you that we would only do so following a security review. We are happy to report that the review has now been completed.

One of the areas of focus was a review of the scope of tokens we request from GitHub and store on your behalf. Currently, when you authenticate with GitHub using OAuth, we request repo scope. The repo scope gives us the necessary...

Incident Response at Heroku

engineering , Production Engineer

This post is an update on a previous post about how Heroku handles incident response.

As a service provider, when things go wrong, you try to get them fixed as quickly as possible. In addition to technical troubleshooting, there’s a lot of coordination and communication that needs to happen in resolving issues with systems like Heroku’s.

At Heroku we’ve codified our practices around these aspects into an incident response framework. Whether you’re just interested in how incident response works at Heroku, or looking to adopt and apply some of these practices for yourself, we hope you find this inside look helpful.

Incident Response and the Incident Commander Role

We describe Heroku’s...

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