All posts tagged with go

The following is the story of how Randall Degges created a simple API to solve the common problem of external IP address lookup and how he scaled it from zero to over 10 thousand requests per second (30B/month!) using Node.js and Go on Heroku.

Several years ago I created a free web service, ipify. It is a highly scalable IP address lookup service. When you make a GET request against it, it returns your public-facing IP address. Try it out yourself!

Gif of ipify GET request returning public facing IP address

I created ipify because, at the time, I was building complex infrastructure...

Evolution of the Heroku CLI: 2008-2017

engineering , Software Engineer

Over the past decade, millions of developers have interacted with the Heroku CLI. In those 10 years, the CLI has gone through many changes. We've changed languages several times; redesigned the plugin architecture; and improved test coverage and the test framework. What follows is the story of our team's journey to build and maintain the Heroku CLI from the early days of Heroku to today.

  1. Ruby (CLI v1-v3)
  2. Go/Node (CLI v4)
  3. Go/Node (CLI v5)
  4. Pure Node (CLI v6)
  5. What's Next?

Ruby (CLI v1-v3)

Our original CLI (v1-v3) was written in Ruby and served us well for many years. Ruby is a great, expressive language for building CLIs, however, we started experiencing enough problems that...

Scott Raio is Co-Founder and CTO of Combatant Gentlemen], a design-to-delivery menswear e-commerce brand.

What microservices are you running in Heroku Private Spaces?

We’ve written an individual service for every business use case. For example, we have services for order processing, product catalog, account management, authentication, swatch display, POs, logistics, payments, etc.

With all these different services, we chose Heroku Private Spaces as a way to make service discovery easier. We’re currently running about 25 services, which is a relatively small number compared to Netflix or Twitter (who employ hundreds of services). But we’re growing, and we’re always evaluating our...

Andrey Petrov is the author of urllib3, the creator of Briefmetrics and ssh-chat, and a former Googler and Y Combinator alum. He’s back again to free us of our old ways of thinking, so that we can embrace what's really special about receivers in Go.

When getting started with Go, there is a strong temptation to bring baggage from your previous language. It’s a heuristic which is usually helpful, but sometimes counter-productive and inevitably results in regret.

Go does not have classes and objects, but it does have types that we can make many instances of. Further, we can attach methods to these types and they kind-of start looking like the classes we’re used to. When we attach a...

Andrey Petrov is the author of urllib3, the creator of Briefmetrics and ssh-chat, and a former Googler and YCombinator alum. He’s here to tell us of a dangerous expedition his requests undertook, which sent them from Python, through the land of C, to a place called Go (and back again).

Today we're going to make a Python library that is actually the Go webserver, for which we can write handlers in Python. It makes Python servers really fast, and—more importantly—it’s a bit fun and experimental. This post is a more detailed overview of my PyCon 2016 talk of the same title. If you'd like to play along at home, this code was written in Go 1.6 and Python 3.5 and the entire complete...

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