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It’s been a little over a year since our last Happy Node Hackers post, and even in such a short time much has changed and some powerful new tools have been released. The Node.js ecosystem continues to mature and new best practices have emerged.

Here are 8 habits for happy Node hackers updated for 2017. They're specifically for app developers, rather than module authors, since those groups have different goals and constraints:

At the tail end of 2015, JavaScript developers have a glut of tools at our disposal. The last time we looked into this, the modern JS landscape was just emerging. Today, it's easy to get lost in our huge ecosystem, so successful teams follow guidelines to make the most of their time and keep their projects healthy.

Here are ten habits for happy Node.js hackers as we enter 2016. They're specifically for app developers, rather than module authors, since those groups have different goals and constraints:

1. Start every new project with npm init

Npm's init command will scaffold out a valid package.json for your project, inferring common properties from the working directory.


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