All posts tagged with buildpack

Using pnpm on Heroku

engineering , Node.js Language Owner


The Heroku Node.js buildpack now supports pnpm, an alternative dependency manager. Early Node.js application owners who've taken advantage of pnpm support have seen 10-40% faster install times compared to NPM on Heroku deployments. It’s an excellent choice for managing packages in the Node.js ecosystem because it:

This post will introduce you to some of the benefits of the pnpm package manager and walk you through creating and deploying a sample application.

Improved Browser Testing on Heroku with Chrome

engineering , Software Engineering Architect

For developers and businesses offering a web-based product, automated browser testing is a critical tool to ensure continuous delivery of a reliable service. Developers write browser tests by scripting actions against a real browser, simulating real usage by navigating, selecting, and making assertions about web pages and their document elements.

In this post, we introduce a new community buildpack that helps with automated browser testing. The new buildpack resolves installation reliability problems in the existing Chrome browser buildpacks for Heroku apps.

Heroku Buildpack Registry: Making Buildpacks Open and Shareable

ecosystem , Senior Director of Product Management

Yesterday we announced a major step towards making buildpacks a multi-platform, open standard by contributing to Cloud Native Buildpacks, a Sandbox Project hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Today, we are announcing that you can now easily share your buildpacks with the world, by registering them with the Heroku Buildpack Registry.

As of this post, the Buildpack Registry contains over 100 buildpacks created by authors like you. Because of your contributions, Heroku developers can easily use languages and frameworks like Meteor, Elixir, and React in their applications. If you’ve created a custom buildpack and wish to share it with the community, visit Dev Center to learn...

Hacking mruby onto Heroku

news , Ruby Engineer

If you're in the Ruby world, you've likely heard about mruby, Matz's latest experimental Ruby implementation. What I bet you didn't know is that you can run mruby on Heroku right now. As a matter of fact you can run just anything on Heroku, as long as it can compile it into a binary on a Linux box.

If you're new to mruby, or to compiling binaries take a look at my last article Try mruby Today. I cover getting mruby up and running on your local machine. If you are already up to speed then follow along as we use vulcan to package mruby as binary, wrap it up in a custom buildpack and then launch an app to use mruby on the Heroku cloud.

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