All posts tagged with bug fix

As part of our commitment to security and support, we periodically upgrade the stack image, so that we can install updated package versions, address security vulnerabilities, and add new packages to the stack. Recently we had an incident during which some applications running on the Cedar-14 stack image experienced higher than normal rates of segmentation faults and other “hard” crashes for about five hours. Our engineers tracked down the cause of the error to corrupted dyno filesystems caused by a failed stack upgrade. The sequence of events leading up to this failure, and the technical details of the failure, are unique, and worth exploring.


Heroku runs application...

At Heroku, we're always working towards improving operational stability with the services we offer. As we recently launched Apache Kafka on Heroku, we've been increasingly focused on hardening Apache Kafka, as well as our automation around it. This particular improvement in stability concerns Kafka's compacted topics, which we haven't talked about before. Compacted topics are a powerful and important feature of Kafka, and as of 0.9, provide the capabilities supporting a number of important features.

Meet the Bug

The bug we had been seeing is that an internal thread that's used by Kafka to implement compacted topics (which we'll explain more of shortly) can die in...

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