Editor's note: This is a guest post from Mathias Meyer of Travis CI.

Travis CI is a continuous integration and deployment platform. It started out as a project to offer a free platform for the open source community to run their tests and builds on.

Over the past two years, Travis CI has grown, a lot. What started out with a single server running just a few hundred tests a day turned into a platform used by thousands of open source projects and hundreds of companies for their public and private projects. Travis CI is currently serving more than 62,000 active open source projects, with 32,000 daily builds, and 3,000 private projects with 11,000 daily builds.

Heroku is an important part...

The Heroku Postgres team is hitting the road in coming months and we’d love to connect with you. If you’d like to meet up with us at any of the events below, drop us a line or Tweet us @HerokuPostgres.

The first opportunity to connect with us is in September at Postgres Open. If you’ve already got your tickets for Postgres Open, join us for drinks and/or pizza at Clark Ale House on Tuesday, September 17, and make sure to check out talks by Craig Kerstiens and Peter Geoghegan.

If you don’t already have your ticket for Postgres Open, but are interested in going, we’ve got a chance for you to win a ticket from us for free.

Win A Ticket to Postgres Open

We’re giving away 3 tickets to PG...

Heroku Postgres brings the Heroku flow to your database, offering safe and straightforward provisioning, scaling, development and collaboration. Traditionally, generating and sharing data from within databases has been inconvenient and challenging. What if you could safely and easily capture and share the data you need to drive your business?

Dataclips, available on all Heroku Postgres production and starter databases, let you run SQL queries against your data and share the results in an easy, visual way with your team members.

Dataclips can be downloaded or shared via URLs, are downloadable and exportable in many formats, and are executed via a read-only transaction so your data stays...

Releases and Rollbacks


Heroku Fork and the heroku sharing command have been deprecated. For more information on releases and rollbacks, make sure to check out the Dev Center.

Heroku tools let you create robust, healthy workflows for your apps, from development to production to ongoing delivery. Add other developers to your app with heroku sharing, create homogeneous staging and production apps with heroku fork, and quickly deploy directly from staging to production with pipelines.

Deploying quickly and often is awesome, but with multiple developers and multiple deployments each day, how do you see and manage changes to your app over time? And what happens if you accidentally deploy bad code?

We address these...

Logging on Heroku


Logs tell the story of your app - a continuous, living stream of events, changes and behaviors. Logs let you rapidly identify and act on critical events, debug issues in your code, and analyze trends to make better decisions over time.

But log management is increasingly complex. As apps scale across distributed infrastructure, many independent processes must be tracked and made sense of. Numerous components and backing services each produce their own log streams. Multiple developers may be collaborating on your app, and multiple services must consume its logs. And logs must be useful not only to machines and applications, but to the humans viewing them.

Heroku brings simplicity and...

Add-ons for Production Apps


Heroku Add-ons are services exposed through the Heroku platform. They are managed by experts, provisioned and scaled in a single command, and consumed by your application as loosely coupled components. This post provides an overview of Add-ons for logging, persistence, caching and monitoring in production apps.


heroku addons:add papertrail 

Logs provide the foundation for trend analysis, error inspection, performance tuning and other processes critical for running production apps. Heroku routes and collates real-time logs from each part of your app, including running processes, system components, API events... even Add-ons themselves. Heroku presents app logs in a single stream...

Introducing Heroku Fork



Heroku Fork has been deprecated. See the GitHub repo for the Fork CLI plugin for details.

An application is more than source code - it’s executables, generated assets, runtime environments, dependencies, configuration, running processes, backing services and more. What if you could fork your entire app, not just your code?

heroku fork lets you create unique, running instances of existing applications right from the command line. These instances are live and available on Heroku immediately so you can change, scale and share them however you want.

How It Works

You can fork apps you own and apps you’re collaborating on. You must have the Heroku Toolbelt installed to use this feature....

Historical Uptime on Status Site


Until now, Heroku Status has been focused primarily on present platform health - providing current status, uptime for the current month, and recent incident history. Today we're announcing an addition to our status site: a dedicated page to view historical uptime. The new uptime page provides a longer-term perspective on Heroku uptime and incidents - perspective that is critical for transparency and continued trust in the Heroku platform.

The new uptime page covers both the US and Europe regions for visibility into uptime where your apps are hosted. This was a top-requested feature with the recent launch of Heroku's Europe region.

The uptime page displays per-month uptime going...

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