Today we are announcing that Heroku’s new dynos are generally available. This new suite of dynos gives you an expanded set of options and prices when it comes to building apps at any scale on Heroku, no matter whether you’re preparing for traffic from Black Friday shoppers or deploying your first lines of code. Thanks to everyone who participated in the beta and provided feedback and bug reports.

What does this mean for you? Beginning today, all new applications will run using these new dynos. You can migrate your existing paid applications to the new dynos at any convenient time until January 31, 2016, when we will sunset the traditional dynos. We will begin migrating free applications...

Today, we’re introducing a suite of new dynos. These dynos introduce new capabilities and price points and reduce the cost of scaling businesses on Heroku. These new dynos enter beta today.

We’ve always provided a developer experience so you can create amazing apps, from hacking on new technologies and personal projects to building production applications and the most demanding high traffic apps. As Heroku has evolved, you’ve asked us for more choices when it comes to features and pricing to better match how you’re using the platform.

Customers with demanding production applications have asked us for professional features and prices that better support them as they scale. At the other...

Heroku comes from and is built for the developer community; the values of experimentation, openness and accessibility have been part of the product from day one, and continue to drive its development. From our first days, we have provided a free tier that followed in the tradition of making it as easy and fun as possible for developers to learn and play, discover new technologies, and build new apps — and that's not changing. It's as rewarding to us today as it was seven years ago to see experienced developers, students and hobbyist hackers use Heroku in that spirit every day.

Free services have, and will continue to be, a key part of Heroku’s offering. Today we are announcing the...

The most successful teams use their data to make the best decisions. We built Dataclips to allow your team to better share, reason about, and ask questions of the data you keep in Heroku Postgres. Heroku Dataclips are a lightweight data sharing tool that lets you take advantage of your organization’s most valuable asset.

Dataclips were inspired by a set of collaboration tools we love like Google Docs and GitHub’s gists. We use tools like these every day to share everything from drafts of blog posts to snippets of code. The problem was that when we used them to share data it became stale the moment we hit the "paste" button. Even worse, when we’d go back to refresh that data...

Each major release of PostgreSQL brings lots of great new functionality. The recent release of PostgreSQL 9.4 includes an exciting new JSON data type, improvements to window functions, materialized views, and a host of other performance improvements and enhancements. We’ll go into more depth on what’s new and exciting in this release below, but first, we want you to know that Postgres 9.4 is available in beta right now on Heroku:

$ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql --version=9.4 

Because the safety and reliability of your data is incredibly important to us, we’re launching 9.4 support in a beta state. This means that customers looking to follow the bleeding edge and get the first access...

PostgreSQL 9.1 Now Default


We're constantly involved in improving Postgres on behalf of our users. That kind of work includes building new features into our platform like data clips, tracking down bugs uncovered by our users and getting them fixed, and working to bring the needs of our users to the attention of the developer community driving the project forward.

Of course, all that pales in comparison to the work the community does every day, and there's no bigger demonstration of that than the major PostgreSQL releases which introduce new features and generally come out once a year. When they do, we build support for that version almost immediately, and roll it out to gradually larger audiences as we...

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