All previously released versions of Sprockets, the software that powers the Rails asset pipeline, contain a directory traversal vulnerability. This vulnerability has been assigned CVE-2018-3760.

How do I know if I'm affected?

Rails applications are vulnerable if they have this setting enabled in their application:

# config/environments/production.rb config.assets.compile = true # setting to true makes your app vulnerable 

Note: The default value of this setting that ships with Rails in production.rb is false. By default, Rails apps running in production mode are not vulnerable to this exploit.

How do I fix it?

To remediate this vulnerability, applications can either change the...

An Update on Redis Vulnerabilities and Patching

news , Product Management Director, Heroku Data

On May 10, 2018, we received notice about two critical vulnerabilities in Redis, both embargoed until this morning.

Upon this notice, our Data Infrastructure team proceeded to patch all internal and customer databases in response to these vulnerabilities. As of today, all customer databases have been patched successfully.

At Heroku, customer trust is our most important value - and we are grateful to have your trust in keeping a globally-distributed data fleet safe from harm. If you’re interested in more behind the scenes details, check out our engineering blog post on how our Data Infrastructure team undertook the effort to patch our entire Redis fleet.

The CLI Team at Heroku strives to create a CLI user experience that is intuitive and productive. We had “build CLI autocomplete” in the icebox of our roadmap for many years. But if we were going to ship it, it had to complement the existing CLI experience. This is challenging because the Heroku CLI is very dynamic: it comprises user installable plugins, and the data needed for completions is behind an API.

Recently, we spent some time brainstorming the experience we wanted from Heroku CLI Autocomplete and decided it was time. We took “build autocomplete” out of the icebox and shipped it.

This post will discuss the main challenges we faced building Heroku CLI Autocomplete and how we solved...

Announcing Heroku CLI Autocomplete for Bash and Zsh

news , Product Manager

Today we're excited to announce that Heroku CLI Autocomplete for Bash and Zsh is generally available. Heroku CLI Autocomplete makes your workflow faster and more seamless by helping you complete command and flag names when you press the tab key. Autocomplete completes all Heroku CLI commands and will automatically support new commands as they are added. You can also complete values for some flags and args—including apps, pipelines and config vars—so you won't need to run multiple commands to find and cross-reference them.

A GIF showing the Heroku CLI autocomplete in action

We build the CLI first and foremost for human usability; Autocomplete takes usability a step further, making it easier than ever to discover, learn, and...

Securing Dependencies for Rails 5.2 Active Storage

engineering , Software Engineer

The Public Cloud Security (PCS) group at Salesforce partners very closely with Heroku engineering to review and advise on new product features across the platform, from infrastructure to applications. One of the most rewarding aspects about this partnership and working on this team for me is when we not only identify security concerns, but take an active role in building safe solutions.

Heroku recently announced support for Active Storage in Rails 5.2, which introduces the ability to generate previews of PDFs and videos. As a security engineer, hearing about a new feature in a product that automatically parses media files definitely grabbed my attention. This post takes a look at...

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