2023: Delivering Innovation and Customer Success

news , VP & Heroku COO

2024 is going to be an exciting year at Heroku. Before we jump into 2024, let’s take a look back at 2023 and show you how we’re empowering developers to deliver amazing apps. First of all, we want to take a moment to thank you, our customers, partners, employees, and extended communities. Your passion for Heroku and the developer community makes our work possible.

Customer Success

Our teams continued to grow to meet the demands of our many existing and new customers in 2023. Customers who do things like make safer cars, bring us live music, deliver last-minute items to our door, and ensure that more people get the affordable healthcare they need. The many ways that Heroku serves as the...

[Update: October 3, 2022 - The Heroku for GitHub Students program is now live. Instructions for signing up for the program have been added to this post.]

One of the things I value about being a Salesforce employee is our commitment to community. We support education through giving, mentoring, and many other programs.

That commitment extends through our work on Heroku. Heroku is a powerful way to enter the Salesforce ecosystem, and we are proud of the number of students who have used the Heroku platform to build their careers.

GitHub Partnership

Today, we are announcing a new partnership with GitHub, which adds Heroku to their Student Developer Pack and gives students a credit of $13 USD...

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