Security Improvement: Subdomain Reuse Mitigation

news , Product Mgmt at Heroku


Subdomain reuse, also known as subdomain takeover, is a security vulnerability that occurs when an attacker claims and takes control of a target domain. Typically, this happens when an application is deprecated and an attacker directs residual traffic to a host that they control.

As of 14 June 2023, we changed the format of the built-in domain for Heroku apps. This change improves the security of the platform by preventing subdomain reuse. The new format is <app-name>-<random-identifier> Previously, the format was <app-name> The new format for built-in domains is on by default for all users.


Heroku 2022 Roundup

news , Product Mgmt at Heroku

2022 was a transformational year for Heroku. In this post, we share how we’ve been enriching the Heroku developer experience in 2022, especially since committing to Heroku’s Next Chapter. We are dedicated to supporting our customers of all sizes who continue to invest and build their projects, careers, and businesses on Heroku.

Public Roadmap

As part of our commitment to increase transparency, the Heroku roadmap went live on GitHub in August 2022. The public roadmap has grown with the participation of many of our customers. Thank you for engaging with us about the future of Heroku. We want to hear from you! Today, we have approximately 70 active roadmap cards, most of which have an...

Improving User Experience with Long-Lived Dashboard Sessions

news , Product Mgmt at Heroku

At Salesforce, we strive to balance the security of your data and apps with an efficient and enjoyable user experience. Last year, we shortened login sessions for the Heroku Dashboard to 12 hours to improve security. Starting today, users can stay logged in for up to 24 hours. Even better, if you have multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled and use the Heroku Dashboard daily, your session can be extended up to 10 days before you need to log in again. If you are idle on the Dashboard for more than 24 hours, you must re-authenticate. SSO-enabled users were not impacted by these changes and will continue to log in through their identity provider every 8 hours.

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