Heroku Apps run on a fully curated stack with everything from the front end caching to the base libraries selected and managed. Today, we’re making available an additional curated stack, with updated libraries and Ruby VMs. You now have the choice of running on the original “Aspen” stack, or using the new “Bamboo” stack. Both are first class citizens and the choice on which to use is yours to make.
With a single simple command, you can migrate existing apps back and forth between stacks, or deploy new apps to this updated stack. Best of all, as part of the new stack, you also have a choice of Ruby VM between Ruby REE 1.8.7 and Ruby MRI 1.9.1. And yes, you can run Rails 3 too!
$ heroku stack aspen-mri-1.8.6 * bamboo-ree-1.8.7 bamboo-mri-1.9.1
We’re excited about expanding the options and programs developers can deploy to Heroku. The existing Aspen stack & Ruby 1.8.6 remains fully supported; you can deploy new apps to either stack, and migrate back and forth. To get started today check out the docs.
We’re releasing the new stack as a public beta to solicit feedback from a larger audience. As a public beta, all accounts are already enabled for this feature.